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Adobe MAX is an annual creativity conference held by Adobe. On this edition Adobe tasked us in collaboration with Anyways to rebrand the whole identity of the festival and to explore the concept of PLAY. So as good generalist makers, the designers and animators at Buck jumped on a tangible creative process to first explore how this language is translated on paper and then moving on to digital.

As result, a vibrant library of 50+ shapes was created, mixing different crafts and styles that truly embodies the concept of play, a work only possible when done by many hands. This was then translated into a toolkit and brandguide where the visuals could be replicated but never repeated, as the multitude of variations allow for continuous exploration.  ✶2023



ECD: Vincent Lammers
Art Direction: Estefan Richter, Simon Buijs
Design: Anna Moessnang, Bernd Bousard, Bianca Beneduci, Catarina Alves, Estefan Richter, Jen Zheng, Léa Zhang, Rasmus Stenberg, Simon Buijs, Yana Abramova
3D: Sonal Jadhav
Animation Lead: Jardeson Rocha
Animation: Andrés Cuevas, Greta Sennekamp, Jardeson Rocha, Joe Sparkes, Santiago Gonzalez
Production: Bárbara Scatolini, Chance Woodward

